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Hard baits : jerkbait minnow, crankbait and lipless lures

Hard lures: this is a complete and extensive category of fishing lures. An internal structure, composed of a mass transfer or not, allows for better performances of casting in any condition such as facing the wind. To make an orderly presentation of this category I propose to talk about surface lures, then lures designed for mid-depth, to finish with the diving or sinking fishing lures, intended for fishing near the bottom.

Surface lures: stickbaits and poppers

At first, we find this model called Stickbait, of stick shape, elongated, and without a bill, it is a lure of floating density. It is well known for its zigzag swimming action called the Walking the Dog or wtd. This retrieve is obtained on the surface of the water, by several strokes of the rod tip, interspersed with the recovery of line with the reel. Its swimming action is reminiscent of a fish on the run.

The second surface lure, also floating, is the popper. It has an inverted cigar shape, conical, with a figurative mouth, concave, making the water spit at the surface. It leaves a string of bubbles in its wake.
It is an effective type of lure for freshwater fishing for predators. The popper is retrieved by small pulls of the rod tip. Finally, it is a type of lure for precision fishing which is one of the best lures for black bass and pike fishing in lakes.

Lipped hardbait: jerkbait minnow

To begin with, the jerkbait minnow is a lipped hardbait, it is one of the first fishing lures that appeared on the market. The jerkbait is a lipped lure that is used by small strokes of the rod to get it going. There are 2 types of retrieve. A short pull of 8 to 15 cm is adapted for cold waters or facing moody fish: this retrieve is called the twitch or twitching.

In a second time, a more dynamic action, ampler, carried out by a broad stroke of 50 cm to 1 M, of the tip of the rod, practiced in a way perpendicular to our feet. This retrieve has the effect of making the jerkbait minnow go alternately from left to right a bit like astickbait when Walking the Dog.

This retrieve is called jerking, characterized by a wider pull than the one practiced in twitching. Finally, in this family of lures, you’ll find 3 types of density (floating, suspending, or sinking).

Lipless jerkbait

First of all, this type of lure is recognizable by its absence of a bill. It has a lie tie at the level of the mouth or the nose. This allows it to be retrieved in different ways. The jerkbait is a twitcher or jerker lure.
These 2 types of retrieves are made by how much line you move with the rod tip. Sometimes short and soft called twitch or twitching, sometimes wide and dynamic is called jerk or jerking.
This has the effect of making the lure go in the opposite direction with each pull of the rod tip. It is one of the best lures for big pike.

Another category of jerkbait lipless is called glide bait. This type of lure without a lip is used in casting back with a linear retrieve. Finally, for these two types of hard lures without lips, we pause from time to time, more spaced out as soon as the water temperature drops.

Jerkbait longbill minnow : longbill diving lure

First of all, the longbill minnow looks very similar to its cousin the jerkbait minnow. Their physiognomies, dispositions / mass transfers are similar. What separates them is the length of their lip.
A longbill minnow has a long lip, which allows it to reach deeper water. It is excellent when the zanders are off the bottom during summer fishing. The rest of the year it is a good lure for fishing black bass, pike, perch but also for some sea bass in saltwater.

Like the jerkbait minnow, it is used with either short or long strokes depending on the mood or the activity of the fish. It is offered in several densities, the most common is floating and suspending. The fishing action allows you to let the lure hang suspended or slowly rise to the surface like a wounded prey.

In conclusion, this model is a fast fishing lure for river, canal, and pond fishing.

Crankbait lure : the crankbait is a hardbait with lip !

First of all the crankbait is recognizable by its rounded shape. Like the other diving hard lures, it has a lip that allows it to reach deep water. Nevertheless, there are shallow models called shallow crankbait, designed for pike, black bass, perch but it is also a great trout lure. The most common density is floating, its fishing action consists in executing a long-distance cast, then using a linear retrieve until you feel its bill touch the bottom.

We use the bottom taping retrieve with a crankbait: after having made contact with the bottom thanks to the lip, we pause to let the lure go up floats up to the surface which allows us to avoid any obstacle.
The crankbait's lip plays the role of a deflector, protecting its treble hooks from any snags or obstacles.

It is wise to have several sound signatures in your box: a low tone is recognized as the most effective on large fish. Nevertheless, it is good to have silent models for lakes where fished are pressured. To conclude, the hard crankbait, diving and floating density is an indispensable lure to cover most of the fishing conditions encountered.

Lipless crankbait, vibrating lure, and vibrating blade: fish the bottom!

To begin with, these 3 types of lures belong to the same family of hard lures, all 3 of which have no lip: they are lipless. The vibrating lure and the lipless crankbait both have a different name for the same type of lure. It is a hard lure, injected in ABS resin, whose line tie is located on a flat area, located at the back of the eyes which can be positioned up on the middle of the back of the lure.

The lure makes a pendular movement from right to left on itself when pulled. It is a hard lure that can be cast at a very good distance, it is perfect for vertical and linear fishing for zander all year round.
There are silent models adapted for fishing on lakes with high fishing pressure especially when the fish have wised up to the noise of the rattles.

The lipless crankbait is a fast fishing tool for other predators, as soon as the temperature drops and the fish settle deeper or near the bottom. The only difference between a vibrating lure and a vibrating blade is the material used to make them. The vibrating blade is made of 100% metal and its geometry is based on a center of gravity on its belly.

In conclusion, this type of lure allows you to fish for the majority of predators, but it is more effective in cold and winter periods.